Stay Independent, Ascend Together

We empower entrepreneurial CPAs to reach their goals with an innovative growth model that brings firms into the new age

Your firm has great potential, but you’re facing real challenges:

Gradient light blue icon of superwoman with star on her shirt
Gradient light blue icon of cloud with loading arrow icons inside



Gradient light blue icon of organizational chart with box and circles
Gradient light blue icon of judge woman with gavel
Gradient light blue icon of road with a sign at the fork in the road
Gradient light blue icon of building with large pillars

Shift to advisory

Private equity entering



What can you do?

Dark blue arrow icon pointing with two lines merging to point upward
Dark blue arrow icon pointing right

Merge up?

Go it alone?

Ascend offers a better way forward

Join Ascend & receive the benefits of a large CPA firm and capital for growth, without giving up your independence

Now you can reach your goals with the support of a people-focused strategic partner

Stay Independent, Ascend Together

Why join Ascend? Read more: